Sealing efficacy of system B versus Thermafil and Guttacore obturation techniques evidenced by scintigraphic analysis

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Sealing efficacy of system B versus Thermafil and Guttacore obturation techniques evidenced by scintigraphic analysis

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Marques-Ferreira, Manuel; Abrantes, Margarida; Ferreira, Hugo Diogo; Caramelo, Francisco; Rabaça-Botelho, Maria-Filomena; Palmeirão-Carrilho, Eunice Virgínia
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This study compared root canal sealing ability, filled by Continuous Wave compaction and two carrier-based obturation systems, using the nuclear medicine approach. Fifty-five single-rooted extracted teeth were selected. The crowns were sectioned and each tooth was instrumented using rotary Protaper® Universal system. The roots were divided into 3 experimental groups and two control groups. Forty-five root canals were filled, using Continuous Wave, GuttaCore or Thermafil system and TopSeal sealer. Ten teeth were used as control. On the 7th days the apices were submersed in a solution of sodium pertechnetate 99mTc for 3 hours and the radioactivity was counted. Although apical leakage in the Continuous Wave group was lower compared with GuttaCore and Thermafil groups, there was no statistical difference (p>0.05). System B, GuttaCore and Thermafil techniques showed a similar sealing effect.
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