The influence of length of implant on primary stability: an in vitro study using resonance frequency analysis

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The influence of length of implant on primary stability: an in vitro study using resonance frequency analysis

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Bataineh, Anwar B. es Al-dakes, Ala M. es 2017-05-10T11:19:38Z 2017-05-10T11:19:38Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Bataineh, Anwar B. ; Al-dakes, Ala M.. The influence of length of implant on primary stability: an in vitro study using resonance frequency analysis. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry. 2017. Vol. 9, no. 1: 1 es
dc.description.abstract Primary stabilityis not sufficientin less contact area between the implant and bone, the healing process because will be disrupted due to micro-motions and fibrous tissue affects osseointegration. We implemented an in vitro experimental study of total 135 XiVE® implants were inserted in 22.5 bovine cow ribs with bone quality similar to a type IV human bone. Each rib end received a group of three different implant lengths, which were 8mm, 13mm and 15mm and had the same diameter 3.8mm. Immediately after the implant placement, its primary stability was measured using Osstell Mentor equipment. ANOVA Tukey’s honest to test the significant difference were performed for data analysis between the resonance measures of the different lengths of implants. Statistical significance was assessed at a level P< 0.05. A total of 45 implants were inserted for each length at cortical bone level. A significant difference between the three groups in favor of implant with 15mm length group (P = 0.000). Increasing dental implant length is considered to play a fundamental role in increasing dental implant primary stability, even in poor bone quality, through controlling the bone preparation process. en_US
dc.subject Odontología es
dc.subject Ciencias de la salud es
dc.title The influence of length of implant on primary stability: an in vitro study using resonance frequency analysis es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÃ DICAS es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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