Factores de los iguales relacionados con la práctica y la motivación deportiva en la adolescencia

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Factores de los iguales relacionados con la práctica y la motivación deportiva en la adolescencia

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Escartí Carbonell, Amparo; García Ferriol, Ángel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1994

The present paper analyzes those factors of peers related with sport practice and competitive motivation in adolescence in a sample of 351 sportsman of both sexes aged between 13 and 17 years. In order to measure these factors a questionnaire was elaborated which evaluated all those aspects of the group of peers related with sport's practice was elaborated. From our results we conclude that factors related with sport's practice in the group of peers are: 1) That the group of peers to which the subject belongs practices and valuates sport practice; 2) all the aspects related with social relationships that sport can promote with the peers; ; 3) Social aknowledgement provided through the practice of sport competition by the group of peers. Our results also proof that the most motivated adolescents by sport practice perceive that their friends v social relationships.
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