Analysis of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model-based programmes applied in USA and Spain

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Analysis of Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility model-based programmes applied in USA and Spain

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Caballero-Blanco Carbonell, Pablo; Delgado Noguera, Miguel Ángel; Escartí Carbonell, Amparo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Over the last three decades, several studies have applied Hellison's Teaching Personal and Social Responsibility (TPSR) model; most of them have generated strong empirical evidences that support that theoretical framework. TPSR is a programme for positive youth development through physical activity. This article compares the different studies that have implemented the TPSR model in the United States and Spain. This paper reviews those researches by analysing their key features such as the research contexts, the profile of participants, the programme duration, the kind of physical activity used during the research, the research methodology employed and the results obtained by these researches. This article stresses some similarities and differences between those previous studies.
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