Wideband tuning of four-wave mixing in solid-core liquid-filled photonic crystal fibers

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Wideband tuning of four-wave mixing in solid-core liquid-filled photonic crystal fibers

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Velázquez-Ibarra, Lorena; Díez Cremades, Antonio; Silvestre Mora, Enrique; Andrés, Miguel V.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

We present an experimental study of parametric four-wave mixing generation in photonic crystal fibers that have been infiltrated with ethanol. A silica photonic crystal fiber was designed to have the proper dispersion properties after ethanol infiltration for the generation of widely spaced four-wave mixing (FWM) bands under 1064 nm pumping. We demonstrate that the FWM bands can be tuned in a wide wavelength range through the thermo-optic effect. Band shifts of 175 and over 500 nm for the signal and idler bands, respectively, are reported. The reported results can be of interest in many applications, such as CARS microscopy.
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