Plenoptic image watermarking to preserve copyright

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Plenoptic image watermarking to preserve copyright

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Ansari, Amir; Dorado, Adrián; Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro; Martínez Corral, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Common camera loses a huge amount of information obtainable from scene as it does not record the value of individual rays passing a point and it merely keeps the summation of intensities of all the rays passing a point. Plenoptic images can be exploited to provide a 3D representation of the scene and watermarking such images can be helpful to protect the ownership of these images. In this paper we propose a method for watermarking the plenoptic images to achieve this aim. The performance of the proposed method is validated by experimental results and a compromise is held between imperceptibility and robustness.
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