Integral imaging with Fourier-plane recording

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Integral imaging with Fourier-plane recording

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Martínez Corral, Manuel; Barreiro Hervás, Juan Carlos; Llavador Ancheta, Ana Isabel; Sánchez Ortiga, Emilio; Sola Pikabea, Jorge; Scrofani, G.; Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Integral Imaging is well known for its capability of recording both the spatial and the angular information of threedimensional (3D) scenes. Based on such an idea, the plenoptic concept has been developed in the past two decades, and therefore a new camera has been designed with the capacity of capturing the spatial-angular information with a single sensor and after a single shot. However, the classical plenoptic design presents two drawbacks, one is the oblique recording made by external microlenses. Other is loss of information due to diffraction effects. In this contribution report a change in the paradigm and propose the combination of telecentric architecture and Fourier-plane recording. This new capture geometry permits substantial improvements in resolution, depth of field and computation time.
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