Full parallax 3D display from Kinect v1 and v2

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Full parallax 3D display from Kinect v1 and v2

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Hong, Seokmin; Saavedra Tortosa, Genaro; Martínez Corral, Manuel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

We exploit the two different versions of Kinect, v1 and v2, for the calculation of microimages projected onto integral-imaging displays. Our approach is based on composing a three-dimensional (3-D) point cloud from a captured depth map and RGB information. These fused 3-D maps permit to generate an integral image after projecting the information through a virtual pinhole array. In our analysis, we take into account that each of the Kinect devices has its own inherent capacities and individualities. We illustrate our analysis with some imaging experiments, provide the distinctive differences between the two Kinect devices, and finally conclude that Kinect v2 allows the display of 3-D images with very good resolution and with full parallax.
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