A model of neutrino mass and dark matter with large neutrinoless double beta decay

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A model of neutrino mass and dark matter with large neutrinoless double beta decay

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Alcaide, Julien; Das, Dipankar; Santamaria, Arcadi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

We propose a model where neutrino masses are generated at three loop order but neutrinoless double beta decay occurs at one loop. Thus we can have large neutrinoless double beta decay observable in the future experiments even when the neutrino masses are very small. The model receives strong constraints from the neutrino data and lepton flavor violating decays, which substantially reduces the number of free parameters. Our model also opens up the possibility of having several new scalars below the TeV regime, which can be explored at the collider experiments. Additionally, our model also has an unbroken Z2 symmetry which allows us to identify a viable Dark Matter candidate.
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