Discriminating between lepton number violating scalars using events with four and three charged leptons at the LHC

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Discriminating between lepton number violating scalars using events with four and three charged leptons at the LHC

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del Aguila, Francisco; Chala, Mikael; Santamaria, Arcadi; Wudka, José
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2013

Many Standard Model extensions predict doubly-charged scalars; in particular, all models with resonances in charged lepton-pair channels with non-vanishing lepton number; if these are pair produced at the LHC, the observation of their decay into l±l±W∓W∓ will be necessary in order to establish their lepton-number violating character, which is generally not straightforward. Nonetheless, the analysis of events containing four charged leptons (including scalar decays into one or two taus as well as into W bosons) makes it possible to determine whether the doubly-charged excitation belongs to a multiplet with weak isospin T=0,1/2,1,3/2 or 2 (assuming there are no excitations with charge >2); though discriminating between the isosinglet and isodoublet cases is possible only if charged-current events cannot produce the doubly-charged isosinglet.
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