Higgs lepton flavour violation: UV completions and connection to neutrino masses

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Higgs lepton flavour violation: UV completions and connection to neutrino masses

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Herrero García, Juan Andrés; Rius Dionis, Nuria; Santamaria, Arcadi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2016

We study lepton violating Higgs (HLFV) decays, first from the effective field theory (EFT) point of view, and then analysing the different high-energy realizations of the operators of the EFT, highlighting the most promising models. We argue why two Higgs doublet models can have a BR(h → τ μ) ∼ 0.01, and why this rate is suppressed in all other realizations including vector-like leptons. We further discuss HLFV in the context of neutrino mass models: in most cases it is generated at one loop giving always BR(h → τ μ) < 10−4 and typically much less, which is beyond experimental reach. However, both the Zee model and extended left-right symmetric models contain extra SU(2) doublets coupled to leptons and could in principle account for the observed excess, with interesting connections between HLFV and neutrino parameters.
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