Accelerated Internationalisation: New Evidence from a late investor country

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Accelerated Internationalisation: New Evidence from a late investor country

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pla Barber, José Escribá-Esteve, Alejandro 2017-06-07T07:35:39Z 2017-06-07T07:35:39Z 2006
dc.identifier.citation Pla Barber, José Escribá-Esteve, Alejandro 2006 Accelerated Internationalisation: New Evidence from a late investor country International Marketing Review 23 3 255 278
dc.description.abstract Recent studies are trying to adapt the explanation of the internationalisation process to new environmental conditions. By using cluster analysis and logit regressions in a sample of 271 Spanish export firms, this paper offers evidence of the existence of a group of firms that use a speed-up internationalisation process. The results obtained support the claim that substantial differences do exist between Fast and Gradual Internationalising firms. The firms included in the more international active group are characterised by: (1) a proactive attitude on the part of managers with regard to internationalisation activities, (b) a strategy based on marketing differentiation advantages and (c) strong relationships with clients and suppliers, which encourage or facilitate their international activities. These results may favour reflection upon what are the most important factors for achieving an active, international strategy and how to respond to these demands. From a politics perspective our research suggests several ways to stimulate the acceleration of the internationalisation process. Politicians must realise the importance of looking for ways of improving the promotion of business networks. The stimulation of relationships between firms will reduce the uncertainty associated with the risks of foreign operations and increase the international competitiveness of firms. Moreover, they should provide incentives for business leaders to adopt an increasingly positive attitude to the international market. Tax benefits and other incentives could be provided to increase the international work experience of managers and employees.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Marketing Review, 2006, vol. 23, num. 3, p. 255-278
dc.subject Economia d'empresa
dc.title Accelerated Internationalisation: New Evidence from a late investor country
dc.type journal article es_ES 2017-06-07T07:35:40Z
dc.identifier.idgrec 027517
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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