The 2017 PREDICT Key Facts Report: An Analysis of ICT R&D in the EU

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The 2017 PREDICT Key Facts Report: An Analysis of ICT R&D in the EU

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Mas Ivars, Matilde; Fernández de Guevara, Juan; Robledo, Juan Carlos
Aquest document és un/a informe d'investigació, creat/da en: 2017
The 2017 PREDICT Key Facts Report provides a detailed analysis of the state of ICT R&D activities in the European Union. This is the tenth edition of a series that is published annually. Like the previous editions, an online version is available at: The PREDICT dataset 2017 is based on the latest data available from official sources (such as the Eurostat and OECD, National Accounts and R&D statistics). It also includes the novelty of backwards reconstruction of the series from 1995, which allows it to cover the period from 1995 to 2014. Therefore, it provides a long-term analysis of the EU ICT sector and its R&D, covering a whole cycle since the initial expansion years, the double recession that began in early 2008, and the most recent evolution up to 2014.
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