Looking at cell mechanics with atomic force microscopy: Experiment and theory

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Looking at cell mechanics with atomic force microscopy: Experiment and theory

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Benítez Suárez, Rafael; Toca-Herrera, J. L.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2014

This review reports on the use of the atomic force microscopy in the investigation of the mechanical properties of cells. It is shown that the technique is able to deliver information about the cell surface properties (e.g., topography), the Young modulus, the viscosity, and the cell the relaxation times. Another aspect that this short review points out is the utilization of the atomic force microscope to investigate basic questions related to materials physics, biology, and medicine. The review is written in a chronological way to offer an overview of phenomenological facts and quantitative results to the reader. The final section discusses in detail the advantages and disadvantages of the Hertz and JKR models. A new implementation of the JKR model derived by Dufresne is presented.
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