New constraints on R-parity violation from μ-e conversion in nuclei

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New constraints on R-parity violation from μ-e conversion in nuclei

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Huitu, Katri; Maalampi, Jukka; Raidal, Martti; Santamaria, Arcadi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1998

We derive new constraints on the products of explicitly R-parity violating couplings λ and λ′ in MSSM from searches for μ-e conversion in nuclei. We concentrate on the loop induced photonic coherent conversion mode. For the combinations |λλ| which in μ-e conversion can be probed only at loop level our constraints are in many cases more stringent than the previous ones due to the enhancement of the process by large ln(m2f/m2f̃). For the combinations of |λ′λ′| the tree-level μ-e conversion constraints are usually more restrictive than the loop ones except for two cases which involve the third generation. With the expected improvements in the experimental sensitivity, the μ-e conversion will become the most stringent test for all the involved combinations of couplings.
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