Effect of addition of Nano hydroxyapatite particles on wear of resin modified glass ionomer by tooth brushing simulation

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Effect of addition of Nano hydroxyapatite particles on wear of resin modified glass ionomer by tooth brushing simulation

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Poorzandpoush, Kiana es Omrani, Ladan Ranjbar es Jafarnia, Shiva H. es Golkar, Parisa es Atai, Mohammad es 2017-07-18T11:44:10Z 2017-07-18T11:44:10Z 2017 es
dc.identifier.citation Poorzandpoush, Kiana ; Omrani, Ladan Ranjbar ; Jafarnia, Shiva H. ; Golkar, Parisa ; Atai, Mohammad. Effect of addition of Nano hydroxyapatite particles on wear of resin modified glass ionomer by tooth brushing simulation. En: Journal of Clinical and Experimental Dentistry, 9 3 2017: 372-376 es
dc.description.abstract Recently, incorporation of nanohydroxyapatite (NHA) has been suggested to improve the mechanical properties of glass ionomers (GIs). This study aimed to assess the effect of addition of NHA on wear of resin modified glass ionomer (RMGI) by tooth brushing simulation. In this in vitro, experimental study, NHA in 1, 2, 5, 7 and 10wt% concentrations was added to Fuji II LC RMGI powder, and 48 samples (5×5mm) in five experimental and one control group (n=8) were fabricated. After polishing, cleaning and incubation at 37°C for three weeks, the samples were weighed and subjected to tooth brushing simulation in a toothpaste slurry according to ISO14569-1. Then, they were weighed again and the weight loss was calculated. The data were analyzed using one-way ANOVA and Tukey?s test. The highest and the lowest weight loss was found in the 0% NHA (-1.052±0.176) and 5% NHA (-0.370±0.143) groups, respectively. Wear was significantly higher in 0% NHA group (P<0.05). No difference was detected in wear between 2 and 5wt% NHA or among 1, 7 and 10wt% NHA groups. Significant differences were noted in wear between 2 and 5wt% NHA and 1, 7 and 10wt% NHA groups (P<0.001). Incorporation of up to 10wt% of NHA increases the wear resistance of Fuji II LC RMGI. This increase was the highest when 2 and 5wt% NHA were added. es
dc.title Effect of addition of Nano hydroxyapatite particles on wear of resin modified glass ionomer by tooth brushing simulation es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/jced.53455 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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