Juxtacortical mandibular chondrosarcoma during pregnancy : a case report

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Juxtacortical mandibular chondrosarcoma during pregnancy : a case report

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Cariati, Paolo; Cabello Serrano, Almudena; Monsalve Iglesias, Fernando; Pérez de Perceval, Miguel; Martínez Lara, Idelfonso
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Chondrosarcoma is one of the most common malignant bone tumors in adults. It use to affect upper arm, pelvis and thigh bone. A wide surgical extirpation represent the gold standard to treat this disorder. In fact, radiotherapy and chemotherapy are no useful. Interestingly, chondrosarcoma is rare in head and neck (HNCS) and extremely uncommon during pregnancy. Thus, there is a lack of evidence about the proper treatment in these cases. A wide surgical extirpation is also considered the most effective procedure in HNCS. There are no consistent evidences about the he role of radiation and chemotherapy. In view of that, the present study describes a case of juxtacortical mandibular chondrosarcoma affecting a 28-year-old pregnant woman. After a multidisciplinary analysis of the case, we decided to treat the patient with a wide surgical resection and and immediately reconstruction.
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