Evolución y tratamiento de los pacientes con pseudoartrosis de tibia de etiología traumática

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Evolución y tratamiento de los pacientes con pseudoartrosis de tibia de etiología traumática

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Acebrón Fabregat, A.; Mifsut Miedes, Damian; Gomar Sancho, Francisco; Silvestre Muñoz, Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The evolution and results of eight patients with traumatic tibial pseudoarthrosis has been examined. Four of them had openned fractures and the rest were closed. The most frequent cause was a running over (half of them). Surgery was the first treatment in all of them, being the endomedular locked nail the preferred osteosynthesis method. They all needed a second surgery, and some of them, even a third one. The average consolidation time was 27 months, and the results were excellent in most of them.
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