Lesiones óseas por tracción : a propósito de un caso
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Segura Sánchez, David; Mínguez Rey, María Fe; Pino Almero, L.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017
Injuries of the pelvic apophyses due to traction, such as apophysitis and avulsion fractures, are not common. They are especially seen in adolescents and young adults who take part in sport activities. We present the clinical case of an athletic adolescent with apophysitis of the anterior inferior iliac spine whose clinical presentation and complementary tests simulated a bone tumor. An appropriate knowledge of this entity will allow suspecting it, diagnosing it early and can avoid confusing it with potentially malignant bone lesions. The prognosis of these injuries with conservative treatment is favourable in most cases. |
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