Myogenic temporomandibular disorders : clinical systemic comorbidities in a female population sample

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Myogenic temporomandibular disorders : clinical systemic comorbidities in a female population sample

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Pedro Herráez, Miguel de es Mesa Jiménez, Juan es Fernández de las Peñas, César es Hoz Aizpurua, José Luis de la es 2017-07-21T10:17:19Z 2017-07-21T10:17:19Z 2016 es
dc.identifier.citation Pedro Herráez, Miguel de ; Mesa Jiménez, Juan ; Fernández de las Peñas, César ; Hoz Aizpurua, José Luis de la. Myogenic temporomandibular disorders : clinical systemic comorbidities in a female population sample. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 21 6 2016: 11- es
dc.description.abstract Myogenic temporomandibular disorders (MTMD) frequently coexist with other clinical conditions in the same individual. In the last decades, several authors have analyzed these comorbidities looking for the origin of this overlapping. The aim of this study was to perform a comparative anaylisis between a group of patients with MTMD and a control group of dental patients without dysfunctional pathology to assess whether there are significant differences in the presence of systemic medical comorbidities between the two groups. Restrospective epidemiological analysis, based on medical questionnaires in a group of 31 patients, women, aged from 24 to 58 (average 39.96 years), diagnosed with MTMD (Masticatory Myofascial Pain), with a control group with the same number of individuals, gender and age range to evaluate if there is a significant statistical difference in the presence of medical comorbidities in this group of patients with MTMD and if they are in a higher risk of suffering different pathological conditions. It was found that the group affected by MTMD presented many more associated medical conditions than the control group: health changes during the last year, medical evaluations and treatments, presence of pain, sinus disease, tinnitus, headache, joint pain, ocular disorders, fatigue, dizziness, genitourinary disorders and xerostomia among others; and they were also in a higher risk to suffer other pathological entities as headaches and articular pain. These results reinforce our hypothesis that MTMD belong to a group of medical conditions triggered by a loss of equilibrium of the individual?s Psycho-Neuro-Endocrine-Immune (PNEI) Axis that produces alterations in the response against external stimuli in some genetically predisposed individuals. It is, therefore, necessary to change the way of diagnosing and managing these individual?s medical conditions, being mandatory to look from a more multidisciplinary perspective than the one we are currently offering. es
dc.title Myogenic temporomandibular disorders : clinical systemic comorbidities in a female population sample es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.21249 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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