Concepciones docentes acerca de la naturaleza de la tecnología y de las relaciones Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad y Ambiente en la educación tecnológica.

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Concepciones docentes acerca de la naturaleza de la tecnología y de las relaciones Ciencia, Tecnología, Sociedad y Ambiente en la educación tecnológica.

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Ferreira Gauchía, Carlos; Vilches Peña, Amparo; Gil Pérez, Daniel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

This paper aims, firstly, to question widespread conceptions of technology, presented as a simple application of scientific knowledge, which are contributing to a distorted and impoverished view of the nature of science and technology and, therefore, to students' lack of interest and even rejection of the study of techno-scientific subjects. Secondly, we present an analysis of how these conceptions affect teachers in charge of technological literacy. Finally, we contemplate how to overcome these conceptions
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