Orbital apex syndrome affecting head and neck cancer patients : a case series

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Orbital apex syndrome affecting head and neck cancer patients : a case series

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Ribeiro, Ana-Carolina-Prado; Luiz, Ana-Claudia; Montezuma, Marco Aurelio; Mak, Milena Perez; Santos Silva, Alan Roger; Brandao, Thais-Bianca
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Orbital apex syndrome (OAS) is a complex and uncommon disorder that typically damages multiple cranial nerves in association with optic nerve dysfunction. OAS is associated with several different pathologies, however; only a few cases have been reported in association with head and neck cancer (HNC) so far. A case series of HNC patients diagnosed with OAS is described including clinicopathological data, image findings, and disease outcome. Ptosis and diplopia were diagnosed in four male patients with mean age of 61.2 years who were undergoing treatment for late-stage carcinomas of the tongue, larynx, and nasopharynx, eventually leading to the diagnosis of OAS. The mean overall survival rate after the diagnosis of OAS was 9.5 months. The current study reinforces evidence that OAS indicates poor prognosis and highlights the importance of early diagnosis.
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