Role of the dental surgeon in the early detection of adults with underlying HIV infection / AIDS

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Role of the dental surgeon in the early detection of adults with underlying HIV infection / AIDS

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Campo Trapero, Julián; Cano Sánchez, Jorge; Romero, Jorge del; Hernando, Víctoria; Amo Valero, Julia del; Moreno Guillén, Santiago
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

A review is made of the late diagnosis of human immunodeficiency virus (HIV) infection, a subject of growing interest in public health. It has been estimated that in Europe 30% of all HIV-infected people are unaware of their seropositive condition, and this in turn is associated with a poorer long-term disease prognosis and an increased risk of transmission to other individuals. The role of the dental surgeon in this context could be of great importance, since there are many oral lesions that can suggest the existence of underlying infection. The study also addresses the controversial subject of rapid HIV testing, and whether these tests should be performed on a routine basis in the dental clinic, or whether it is preferable to refer the patient to a specialized center.
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