Current state of dental autotransplantation

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Current state of dental autotransplantation

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Herrera Gimbernat, Daniel; Recio Lora, C.; Torres-Lagares, Daniel; Romero Ruiz, Manuel María; Gutiérrez Pérez, José Luis
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

The aim of this study is to analyse the current situation in dental autotransplantations within the different therapeutic alternatives that the dentist has available to replace a tooth in the dental arcade. For some authors this is an option headed for failure, whereas for others, it is an alternative to keep in mind. In this study we analyse the factors related to the predictability of the technique, based on an analysis of research work published in the scientific literature up to date. We also present two clinical cases performed by our team and their subsequent evaluation. In spite of the satisfactory results seen when reviewing the existing literature, we cannot say that dental autotransplantation is currently the technique of choice when a tooth is lost, given the predictability of osteointegrated implants. © Medicina Oral S. L.
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