Lateral pterygoid muscle dystonia. A new technique for treatment with botulinum toxin guided by electromyography and arthroscopy

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Lateral pterygoid muscle dystonia. A new technique for treatment with botulinum toxin guided by electromyography and arthroscopy

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Martos, Pedro L.; Rodríguez Campo, Francisco José; Bances del Castillo, Raquel; Altura Guillén, Oscar Miguel; Cho Lee, Gui-Youn; Mancha de la Plata, María; Escorial Hernandez, Veronica
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2011

Lateral pterygoid muscle dystonia is characterized by mandibular displacement towards the opposite side of the affected muscle. It may be associated with functional disorders affecting speech, swallowing, chewing and facial symmetry. Injection with botulinum toxin is recognized as the most effective treatment. Locating the lower head of the lateral pterygoid muscle for the injection is not difficult using electromyographic guidance; however, location of the upper head is more complicated, even with electromyography. We report a case of lateral pterygoid muscle dystonia in which precise injection of the upper head was achieved with the aid of arthroscopy.
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