Atraumatic maxillary sinus elevation using threaded bone dilators for immediate implants. A three-year clinical study

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Atraumatic maxillary sinus elevation using threaded bone dilators for immediate implants. A three-year clinical study

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Calvo Guirado, José Luis es Gómez Moreno, Gerardo es López Marí, Laura es Ortiz Ruiz, Antonio José es Guardia Muñoz, Javier es 2017-07-27T08:46:04Z 2017-07-27T08:46:04Z 2010 es
dc.identifier.citation Calvo Guirado, José Luis ; Gómez Moreno, Gerardo ; López Marí, Laura ; Ortiz Ruiz, Antonio José ; Guardia Muñoz, Javier. Atraumatic maxillary sinus elevation using threaded bone dilators for immediate implants. A three-year clinical study. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 15 2 2010: 14- es
dc.description.abstract Objective: The aim of this study was to evaluate the efficacy of sinus floor elevation using sequential bone dilators. Materials and Methods: Thirty patients took part in the study (18 women and 12 men) with ages ranging between thirty-six and sixty-three years, selected according to inclusion and exclusion criteria, who showed a bone deficit in the upper posterior alveolar margin of 5-8 mm in height. Sixty expanded platform internal connection implants were placed with diameters of 4/5/4 mm and lengths varying between 10 (n=10) and 11.5 mm (n= 50). Results: Data obtained were analyzed using SPSS 15.0 software. The average intra-sinus bone gain with MP3 biomaterial of porcine origin was 4.13 +/- 0.97 SD mm at the moment of implant placement, 3.90 +/- 1.15 SD mm after twelve months, 3.74 +/- 1.05 SD mm after 24 months and 3.62 +/- 1.75 SD mm after 36 months. Two implants were lost at the moment of prosthesis placement. Conclusions: Alveolar lifting technique in the upper maxilla using bone dilators achieved a 96.6 % implant success rate after a three-year follow-up. Intra-sinus bone biomaterial remodeling was 0.51 +/- 0.08 mm from day zero to the thirty-six-month follow-up. This is a procedure that reduces the amount of surgery necessary and is of both aesthetic and functional benefit to the patient. es
dc.title Atraumatic maxillary sinus elevation using threaded bone dilators for immediate implants. A three-year clinical study es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi 10.4317/medoral.15.e366 es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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