Stability of the VEV hierarchy and Higgs boson invisibility in majoron models

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Stability of the VEV hierarchy and Higgs boson invisibility in majoron models

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Bertolini, Stefano; Santamaria, Arcadi
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 1988

We study the stability of the lepton-number breaking VEV under radiative corrections in the doublet and triplet majoron models, including the effects of a heavy top quark. We find that it is possible to maintain the hierarchy between the VEV's, at the one-loop level, by fine tuning the ratio of two coupling constants in the Higgs potential. For a top quark heavier than 50-60 GeV the required relation depends strongly on the top mass. We use this relation to show that the decay mode of the neutral Higgs boson to majorons may be the dominant one for a wide range of the Higgs mass, thus making its detection, in this class of models, more problematic.
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