Myofascial pain syndrome associated with trigger points : A literature review. (I): Epidemiology, clinical treatment and etiopathogeny

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Myofascial pain syndrome associated with trigger points : A literature review. (I): Epidemiology, clinical treatment and etiopathogeny

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Vázquez Delgado, Eduardo; Cascos Romero, Jordi; Gay Escoda, Cosme
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

Over the last few decades, advances have been made in the understanding of myofascial pain syndrome epidemiology, clinical characteristics and aetiopathogenesis, but many unknowns remain. An integrated hypothesis has provided a greater understanding of the physiopathology of trigger points, which may allow the development of new diagnostic, and above all, therapeutic methods, as well as the establishment of prevention policies and protocols by the health profession. Nevertheless, randomized studies are needed to provide a better understanding and detection of the different factors involved in the origin of trigger points.
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