High resolution image in bone biology II : Review of the literature

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High resolution image in bone biology II : Review of the literature

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Cano Sánchez, Jorge; Campo Trapero, Julián; Vaquero, Juan José; Martínez González, José María; Bascones Martínez, Antonio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

Bone microstructure has usually been assessed by obtaining samples invasively and analyzing them with conventional histomorphometric methods. Improvements in high-resolution image acquisition systems have enabled non-invasive assessment of bone morphology and a more precise 3-D evaluation by means of ?virtual biopsies?, permitting bone assessment in regeneration or remodeling processes. Among other applications, this imaging technique can be used for the ultrastructural analysis of bone and for studies of regeneration techniques, biomechanics in bone physiotherapy, and periimplant bone healing. This review describes the different applications of high-resolution imaging techniques in bone biology and the morphometric results obtained with these images in mechanobiology in general and maxillary bone in particular.
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