pH and salivary sodium bicarbonate in cancer patients : correlation with seric concentration

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pH and salivary sodium bicarbonate in cancer patients : correlation with seric concentration

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Rojas de Morales, Thais; Navas, Rita; Viera, Ninoska; Álvarez, Carmen; Chaparro, Neira
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

Objective: To determine the correlation between pH and bicarbonate of soda in blood and saliva in child and adolescent patients during the administration of 3g/m2 of methotrexate. Method: A controlled clinical test was performed on 23 patients diagnosed with Acute Lymphoblastic Leukemia. Ages ranged from 4 to 18. The Spearman Correlation Coefficient was used to interpret the data. Results: No significant correlation was found between pH levels and seric and salivary sodium bicarbonate. However, there was a significant correlation between the levels of sodium bicarbonate in the body fluids evaluated (rs 0.2576, p=0.0354). Conclusions: Changes modifying the microenvironment of the oral cavity probably do not allow saliva to be used to determine blood pH and seric bicarbonate.
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