Modelling and simulation of several interacting cellular automata

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Modelling and simulation of several interacting cellular automata

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Pla i Castells, Marta; García-Fernández, Ignacio; Martínez Durá, Rafael J.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2015

Cellular Automata are used for modelling and simulation of many systems. In some applications, the system is formed by a set of subsystems that can be modelled separately, but, in such cases, the existence of interactions between these subsystems requires additional modelling and computer programming. In this paper we propose a modelling methodology for the simulation of a set of Cellular Automata models that interact with each other. The modelling methodology is described, together with an insight on implementation details. Also, it is applied to a particular Cellular Automata model, the Sanpile Model, to illustrate its use and to obtain some example simulations.
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