El universo melodramático de Tennessee Williams y de Luchino Visconti : Senso, un encuentro fílmico

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El universo melodramático de Tennessee Williams y de Luchino Visconti : Senso, un encuentro fílmico

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Durán Manso, Valeriano
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The melodrama is one of the most cultivated genre by the American playwright Tennessee Williams and the Italian filmmaker Luchino Visconti. The writer had just have a resounding success in Broadway with A Streetcar Named Desire (1947) when is moved to Italy, where the director had taken to scene his first great work, The Glass Menagerie. The tendency to create characters of deep dramatic nature, have an impact on the emotional and social conflict, and exhibit a remarkable aesthetic sense, indicates the existing parallelism between both. Thus it stand out in Senso (1954), a film marked by the dichotomy between duty and pleasure, the power of passion and the crisis of the aristocracy. With these premises, its intends to produce an approach to the melodramatic universe of the only film in which Williams and Visconti worked together
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