Vestibular bone window for the extraction of impacted lower third molars : four case reports

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Vestibular bone window for the extraction of impacted lower third molars : four case reports

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Peñarrocha Diago, Miguel; Galán Gil, Sonica; Peñarrocha Diago, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

Four patients attending for the extraction of an impacted lower third molar are reported. The aim of this paper is was to describe a technical approach, which facilitates impacted lower third molar extraction, minimizing the ostectomy, thus reducing secondary postoperative manifestations and avoiding possible periodontal defects on the distal side of the second mandibular molar. To facilitate the extraction of the crown, roots or the complete molar, a small ostectomy in the form of a window can be made in the vestibular cortical, approaching the extraction through the resultant mesial space.
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