Dimensions of scientific collaboration and its contribution to the academic research groups´ scientific quality

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Dimensions of scientific collaboration and its contribution to the academic research groups´ scientific quality

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Bermeo, Helga; De los Reyes, Ernesto; Bonavia Martín, Tomás
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2009

This article analyzes, under several dimensions, if collaboration contributes to the production of high quality scientific results. It examines the proportion of scientific quality (measured by impact and relevance) gained by ISI publications considering the presence of a particular form of collaboration. As an application case, this paper offers a micro-level analysis of the academic research groups (ARGs) of a technical university. Results indicate that there are positive and significant benefits in scientific quality, received by ARGs as product of the international and inter-sector collaboration, and in a broader sense, from the presence of the inter-institutional collaboration.
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