Treatment of bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process of the mandible : Presentation of a case and review of the literature

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Treatment of bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process of the mandible : Presentation of a case and review of the literature

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Fernández Ferro, Martín; Fernández Sanromán, J.; Sandoval Gutierrez, Jesús; Costas López, Alberto; López de Sánchez, Annahys; Etayo Pérez, Amaya
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2008

Bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process is infrequent. It consists of an elongation of the coronoid process of the mandible and is, accordingly, a mechanical problem, limiting mouth opening. This article looks at the case of a 28 year-old male with significant limitation on opening his mouth, secondary to bilateral hyperplasia of the coronoid process. We reviewed the literature and analysed the diagnostic and therapeutic procedures used, paying special attention to the surgical approaches to the coronoid process and emphasising the importance of early post-operative rehabilitation, describing our experience with the TheraBite® (Atos Medical AB, PO Box 183, 242 22 Hörby, Sweden). The satisfactory result of the procedure is marked by the stable recovery of the mouth opening, achieved by a good combination of surgical and physiotherapeutic techniques.
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