An empirical study of lean production in ceramic tile industries in Spain

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An empirical study of lean production in ceramic tile industries in Spain

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Bonavia Martín, Tomás Marín García, Juan Antonio 2017-09-26T18:15:40Z 2017-09-26T18:15:40Z 2006
dc.identifier.citation Bonavia Martín, Tomás Marín García, Juan Antonio 2006 An empirical study of lean production in ceramic tile industries in Spain International Journal of Operations & Production Management 26 5 505 531
dc.description.abstract Purpose: To determine the degree of use of some of the most representative lean production (LP) practices in the Spanish ceramic tile industry, their relationship with plant size and their effect on the operational performance of the companies in the sector. Design/methodology/approach: We developed a questionnaire for data collection. Findings are presented from 76 companies (79.17% of the total sample) that specialise in single firing ceramics. Findings: In sector under study, there is one set of practices that have as yet scarcely been implanted (group technology, kanban, reduction of set-up time, multi-function employees and visual factory) and another set whose use is fairly widespread (standardisation of operations, total productive maintenance and quality controls). The degree of their respective use depends on a firm's size. Very few correlations appear between the degree of use of any specific LP practice in isolation and the operational indicators. Research limitations/implications: For certain variables we found very little variation between the firms in our samples. Moreover many firms did not have available the data needed for calculating capacity utilisation, and hence we have not been able to check its effects in our analysis. Practical implications: We present data for reflecting on the application of different LP practices in isolation and on the impediments limiting the use of some of them in the sector. Value of paper: We extend the work of other researchers by focusing on a sector and a country that have been very little studied up till now. The sample consists of a set of firms that are fairly homogeneous; this facilitates analysing the relationships between the selected variables while keeping other variables controlled.
dc.language.iso eng
dc.relation.ispartof International Journal of Operations & Production Management, 2006, vol. 26, num. 5, p. 505-531
dc.subject Psicologia social
dc.subject Indústria ceràmica
dc.title An empirical study of lean production in ceramic tile industries in Spain
dc.type journal article es_ES 2017-09-26T18:15:40Z
dc.identifier.doi 10.1108/01443570610659883
dc.identifier.idgrec 035744
dc.rights.accessRights open access es_ES

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