¿Habrá moros en la costa? La producción cultural centroamericana leída desde España / Would there be Moors on the Coast? Central American Cultural Production as Read from Spain

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¿Habrá moros en la costa? La producción cultural centroamericana leída desde España / Would there be Moors on the Coast? Central American Cultural Production as Read from Spain

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Arias, Arturio
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Central American literature first appeared in the Spanish peninsula when Rubén Darío traveled to Madrid in 1892. Paris and Madrid became since then the Central American cultural metropoles. However, their belongingness to the region was not recognized as such. In Spain, this production was read from a Hispano-centric perspective that was useful for the peninsula to solve its own issues of legitimization within Europe. As a result, Central American writers that publish successfully in Spain cannot be Central American and Cosmopolitan at the same time. In Spain, they become ?Hispanic Americans?. This elides their Central Americanness, preventing the validation of their regional or national affective belonging to a specific space.Keywords: Literature, Modernism, Darío, Hispanic America, isthmus, Cosmopolitism, Central Americanity, marginality.
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