Orxata Sound System. Música glocal, libre, colectiva y cooperativa / Orxata Sound System. Glocal, free, collective and cooperative music

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Orxata Sound System. Música glocal, libre, colectiva y cooperativa / Orxata Sound System. Glocal, free, collective and cooperative music

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González, Carla; Lacueva i Lorenz, Maria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

Orxata Sound System is a musical collective from l?Horta (Valencian Country) that was founded in 2003 and was dissolved indefinitely in 2014. Its existence has marked a before and after in the Catalan musical scene, not only because of its style, but also because it was a pioneer in the use of new technologies to create, produce and distribute its music as well as (auto) manage and communicate with the public in an eminently horizontal way. This article will observe the musical trajectory of Orxata Sound System with special emphasis, on the one hand, on the artistic exploitation that developed from the hybridization of two apparently contradictory elements; on the other hand, we will focus on the cooperative strategies in musical creativity. Keywords: collective culture, activism, catalan music, Cultural Studies, Valencia
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