Cuatro manos son treinta dedos. Posibilidades de la escritura cooperativa como herramienta política antagonista / Four hands are thirty fingers. Cooperative writing?s possibilities as antagonist political tool

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Cuatro manos son treinta dedos. Posibilidades de la escritura cooperativa como herramienta política antagonista / Four hands are thirty fingers. Cooperative writing?s possibilities as antagonist political tool

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García Teresa, Alberto; Álvarez Galán, Juanjo
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

It?s been already several years since collaborative writing have become a commonplace in academic and non-academic literature, mostly associated to IT development. However, these issues tread creative forms that go further than mere technical chances ?notwithstanding the practical support that these tools provide. This paper intends to build the theoretical underpinning for a literary creation proposal based on direct ?non-technologically mediated? cooperation and to analyse its political and social projection in an antagonistic perspectiveKeywords: Collaborative writing, cooperation, political literature, cultural practices, Capitalism, empowerment.
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