El Mashreq francés en México. Patronazgo, propiedad y la lectura de los cuerpos en la Poscolonia / The French Mashreq in Mexico. Patronage, Property and Body readings in Postcolony

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El Mashreq francés en México. Patronazgo, propiedad y la lectura de los cuerpos en la Poscolonia / The French Mashreq in Mexico. Patronage, Property and Body readings in Postcolony

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Pastor de María y Campos, Camila
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This paper explores the ambivalence in the structural and discursive production of the class positions of migrants that have circulated between Lebanon, Syria and Mexico throughout the twentieth century. Its central argument is that the inscription of their subalternity as subjects of the French mandate on the Mashreq during the first half of the twentieth century has constituted their access to a privileged position in the Mexican context.Key words: Mashreq, México, France, Subalternity, Patronage.
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