Al hilo de la literatura latinoamericana : estudios literarios/estudios culturales / To the thread of Latin American literature: literary studies / cultural studies

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Al hilo de la literatura latinoamericana : estudios literarios/estudios culturales / To the thread of Latin American literature: literary studies / cultural studies

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Caballero Wangüemert, María
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The present work constitutes a bibliographical route by the criticism and the Hispano-American literary theory of the last 50 years. Its author did not pretendan exhaustiveness, but a collective task of congresses etc. Its most significant milestones are: how the literary canon was formed and was derived in Spanish America. Postcolonial theories and their application to the New World. The orientations of the critic and the literary theory in / on Latin America. The irruption and survival of cultural studies. New critical fads: transatlantic studies, tecno writing, ecocritics, genetic criticism ?Keywords: Canon, literary criticism, literary theory, postcolonial theories, cultural studies. 
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