En el culo del mundo : festivales, autogestión y sexualidad en la pospornografía producida en Argentina / In the ass of the world: Festivals, self-management and sexuality in post-pornography produced in Argentina

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

IMPORTANT: Aquest repositori està en una versió antiga des del 3/12/2023. La nova instal.lació está en

En el culo del mundo : festivales, autogestión y sexualidad en la pospornografía producida en Argentina / In the ass of the world: Festivals, self-management and sexuality in post-pornography produced in Argentina

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Milano, Laura Vanesa
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This work investigates the artistic practices of postpornography produced in Argentina and the modes of production that were generated around them: processes of self-management, cooperative, and  creation of new spaces of socialization and resistance. Understanding the postpornography as a cross between art and activism of sexual dissidence, I am interested in problematizing these modalities of "doing post-porn" in the contemporary Argentine context. , taking as a case the experiences of festivals and workshops held in the cities of Buenos Aires and La Plata.Keywords: Postpornography, sexuality, self-management, activism.
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