Measurement and analysis of broadband UVB solar radiation in Spain

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Measurement and analysis of broadband UVB solar radiation in Spain

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Martínez Lozano, José Antonio; Utrillas Esteban, María Pilar; Núnez, José A.; Esteve Martínez, Anna Raquel; Gómez Amo, José Luis; Estellés Leal, Víctor; Pedrós Esteban, Roberto
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2012

Measurements of broadband UVB irradiance (290-315 nm) at 14 locations in Spain for the period 2000-2009 have been used to generate instantaneous, hourly and daily values of irradiance (W m−2) and radiant exposure (kJ m−2). These measurements, and its statistical indices, have been analyzed. For the UVB irradiance, the values corresponding to July (maximum) and December (minimum) have been analyzed as representative of the year during the whole period for all locations. For the UVB radiant exposure, the temporal evolution of daily values has been evaluated for all locations to estimate an average yearly behavior. The accumulated radiant exposure for an average year has also been studied for each location. Finally, to determine possible trends in the evolution of the UVB levels, the linear regressions for the mean daily values for all locations have been determined.
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