Blood smear and Giemsa stain

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Blood smear and Giemsa stain

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Serna García, Eva; Megías Vericat, Javier; San Miguel Diez, Teresa; Serie: Recursos didácticos y complementarios para estudiantes de Biología
Aquest document és un/a vídeo, creat/da en: 2017


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    This project is for the students of the Biology Unit (Department of Pathology) from the degrees of Health Sciences. One of the objectives is to provide complementary multimedia material to prepare and better understand the laboratory practices and, on the other hand, to consolidate the knowledge that will be developed throughout it. To this end, this video describes in a virtual way the realization of a blood smear and the staining of its cellular components with Giemsa staining.Música: It's Crazy by MiseProducció: Servei de Formació Permanent i Innovació Educativa (
    Els presents materials han rebut l'ajut i la revisió del “Servei de Política Lingüística” de la Universitat de València.
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