Sustainable Entrepreneurial Orientation : A Business Strategic Approach for Sustainable Development

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Sustainable Entrepreneurial Orientation : A Business Strategic Approach for Sustainable Development

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Criado-Gomis, Ana; Cervera-Taulet, Amparo; Iniesta-Bonillo, María_Ángeles
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

This paper proposes sustainable entrepreneurial orientation (SEO) as a multidimensional construct that offers researchers the possibility of empirically testing their theoretical proposals in the sustainable entrepreneurship field. The authors propose an integration of different theories. In accordance with the dynamic capabilities view, SEO is approached under an organizational paradigm of strategic orientations delimited by competitive culture and multiple orientation perspectives. Furthermore, SEO's nature is conceived at a firm-based entrepreneurship level and is based on an integrated triple bottom line sustainability. This approach is conceptualized using a categorization scheme and defined in accordance with the organizational predisposition perspective. Several research lines are proposed, all based on relational models with SEO as the key concept.
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