Le authorities nell’attuale assetto amministrativo italiano: La vexata quaestio della banca d’Italia

Repositori DSpace/Manakin

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Le authorities nell’attuale assetto amministrativo italiano: La vexata quaestio della banca d’Italia

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Pia Ricci, Maria
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2017

The Italian phenomenon of independent administrative Authorities is born with the aim of providing the public administration of new administrative entities with a high degree of impartiality, free from political ties and subject only to the law. There have been numerous regulatory actions that have been involved in this phenomenon. Some of them concerned the Bank of Italy and its controversial legal nature, giving it, in conclusion, acquired its administrative and independent role. As an associative public entity, the Bank of Italy carries out supervisory and regulatory functions in the credit industry.
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