Factitial pemphigus-like lesions

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Factitial pemphigus-like lesions

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Zonuz, Ali Taghavi; Treister, Nathaniel; Mehdipour, Fahimeh; Farahani, Ramin Mostofi Zadeh; Tubbs, R. Shane; Shoja, Mohammadali Mohajel
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

The maxillofacial region is rarely subjected to self-inflicted conditions such as factitious disease. Nasal ulceration, facial emphysema, periorbital ecchymosis, mandibular subluxation, gingival and mucosal ulceration, dental and salivary gland pain and glossopharyngeal neuralgia have been reported as possible manifestations of factitious disease. We report a case of a young woman who presented with unilateral bullous and ulcerative oral and erythematous facial lesions that were initially diagnosed as pemphigus vulgaris but was later determined to be secondary to self-inflicted injuries. To the best of the authors? knowledge, this clinical scenario has not been previously reported in the context of a factitious disease and, therefore, may be considered in the differential diagnosis of oral vesiculobullous disorders.
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