Rehabilitation of severely resorbed maxillae with zygomatic implants : an update

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Rehabilitation of severely resorbed maxillae with zygomatic implants : an update

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Galán Gil, Sonica; Peñarrocha Diago, Miguel; Balaguer Martínez, José; Martí Bowen, Eva
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

Studies highlight the zygomatic bone as a suitable anatomical structure for implant placements since they cross four corticals. Zygomatic implants were described by Branemark in 1998, since then zygomatic implants are indicated in maxillae with atrophy of the posterior area. They have been used in systemic diseases associated with bone loss in this area, and in patients who have suffered radical surgery for maxillofacial tumors. Computed tomography is recommended before placement in order to discount any pathology of the maxillary sinus. The surgical technique has been slightly modified since its description with procedures such as the sinus slot technique. The success rate obtained by different authors varies between 82% and 100%, indicating this technique as a valid treatment option. The objective of this study was to revise the literature with the aim of updating the subject.
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