Clinical justification of dental radiology in adult patients : a review of the literature

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Clinical justification of dental radiology in adult patients : a review of the literature

Mostra el registre parcial de l'element Martínez Beneyto, Yolanda es Alcaraz Baños, Miguel es Pérez Lajarin, Leonor es Rushton, Vivian E. es 2017-11-22T09:31:46Z 2017-11-22T09:31:46Z 2007 es
dc.identifier.citation Martínez Beneyto, Yolanda ; Alcaraz Baños, Miguel ; Pérez Lajarin, Leonor ; Rushton, Vivian E.. Clinical justification of dental radiology in adult patients : a review of the literature. En: Medicina oral, patología oral y cirugía bucal. Ed. inglesa, 12 3 2007: 15- es
dc.description.abstract Although the radiological doses used by dentists are low individually, patients are often exposured to many repeat dental radiographic examinations. The ?routine? use of dental radiography, such as screening of all patients using dental panoramic radiography (DPRs) or a random decision to take a dental radiograph, will inevitable lead to unnecessary patient exposure. The use of Radiographic Referral Criteria has now become a legal requirement for all practitioners following the adoption of European Legislation. All exposures to x-rays should be clinically justified and each exposure should be expected to give the patient a positive net benefit. Recently the European Commission has published guidelines (1) on radiation protection in dental radiology. Guidelines have previously been available in a number of European countries (2,3) and also within the United States (4,5). At the present time, no specific guidelines have been published within Spain. The aim of this review article is to provide the Spanish dentist with guidance as to the appropriateness of different radiographic techniques for a variety of clinical conditions and also the frequency with which they should be taken. It is hoped that this document will act as a useful work tool in daily dental practice. es
dc.title Clinical justification of dental radiology in adult patients : a review of the literature es
dc.type journal article es_ES
dc.subject.unesco UNESCO::CIENCIAS MÉDICAS es
dc.identifier.doi es
dc.type.hasVersion VoR es_ES

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