Papular-purpuric gloves-and-socks syndrome : presentation of a clinical case

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Papular-purpuric gloves-and-socks syndrome : presentation of a clinical case

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Segura Saint Gerons, Rafael; Ceballos Salobreña, Alejandro; Gutiérrez Torres, Pablo; González Ruiz, Antonio; Gavilán Fernández, Inmaculada; Martínez-Sahuquillo Márquez, A.
Aquest document és un/a article, creat/da en: 2007

Papular-Purpuric Glove-and-Sock Syndrome is a rare, infectious disease, of viral etiology, characterized by the presence of pruritus, edema and symmetrical erythema, very well defined at the wrists and ankles with a gloves-and-socks distribution. Other areas can be affected, with a moderate erythema appearing in cheeks, elbows, knees, armpits, abdomen, groin, external genitalia, internal face of the thighs and the buttocks. Erosions, small ulcers, enanthema and blisters can be observed in the oral cavity and lips, and less frequently in other mucous membranes. Complications are rare, although they can be severe, 50% of the published cases are related with the Parvovirus B19. Due to its oral involvement stomatologists should be aware of this syndrome in order to carry out a correct diagnosis of the disease.
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